Influencer O’dennis Daal

Interview February 2018

Our next core group member of Share2uplift: O’dennis Daal
O’dennis Daal is the Manager Director of “Master Your Mind Consultancy and Training”. O’dennis is a general coach and life coach and he organizes workshops, seminars and offers speaker assignments on Mindset changes. He started his company officially in 2010. For years, he was motivating and stimulating people he met randomly, for example in the gym or in public spaces, by sharing with them certain concepts or experiences he has been through himself. But most of that was unconsciously and (not very consistently) depending whom. By always using as starting point the person’s strengths, he was enabling people to think in possibilities and solutions. He started his company because one way or the other he firmly believes, that if you do something that you love based on your own experience and vision, it gives you so much more satisfaction.

O’dennis: “I was and I am very creative, because I had my mother as a role model. My mother was very creative in handcraft e.g. knitting and sewing all kinds of fabrics. And I consider finding a solution and implementing this as an opportunity to grow. In my life I had to be very creative to satisfy my own needs. I love helping people in whatever and whenever possible.
I will do this to make a contribution and also a positive impact on them. I really love the look of “a person smiling””.

“I just like serving people.”

He is passionate about serving other people and he hardly remembers at what age this started.
O’dennis: “I love people, I have always had great love for them. I was always in the company of lots of people. When I was very young I used to help a neighbor by buying her groceries during the week and in the weekend she would make a special meal especially for me.

I just like serving people, it is my passion. But the real turning point in my life came, after my second car incident with a metro in Holland. I had a first one in 1998 and drew the wrong life lessons. I started to focus on the exterior side of my being and started working out even more. Then after my second accident in 2002 I really changed. It was then that I decided to serve people in another way, by enhancing them with a better mindset, for the rest of my life. We as human beings are predominantly emotional beings. When you are emotionally balanced, you can enjoy life much more. This second accident limited me at first. I had to learn the hard way to become emotionally stable again. It is during those days that I went through a personal transformative change and I started to look at myself and situations differently then I had ever done before. I decided to grow and become emotionally stable again and serve other people based on my own experience so that they can live up to their potential. We are all born “pure” beings (geniuses) and then through our upbringing this pure part of us is being covered with all kinds of limitations. It often happens that only after a personal crisis, a breakdown, the possibility for a breakthrough opens up. It helps the person to uncover their true pure nature back. In my case the first accident was not enough to trigger my turn around. The second accident was my turning point (breakthrough).

O’dennis on his coaching style: “As a coach I won’t tell my coachees to go a do it, but I will tell them let’s go and do it together and I will be at the coachees side to help where necessary. I will tell them, that if I can do it and coming from very far, you can do it and it is possible for anyone. Although it is the coachees journey, it is also the coachees success and it is not about me. I will always tell them, that I am there for them and available when needed. I am “no nonsense” and don’t accept excuses and whatever experience you have had in the past and whatever you have been through or going through, there are no failures, only lesson to be learned.

I will always tell them if they have ‘negative feelings’ that this is a sign that what they are thinking about at that moment that is not what they want and that they have to think the opposite and take the necessary action to change that particular feeling, if the feelings are positive just do more of that”.

O’dennis on top of coaching services also offers mediation services, workshops and training and is also an increasingly popular public speaker. One of his many dreams: “I once went to a Tony Robbins 3-days workshop “Unleashed the power within” and I was asked to come on the stage. There I was standing in front of 9000 people cheering and one of my dreams now is to address a BIGGER crowd of over 9000 attendees as a “public motivational speaker”. Another dream O’dennis has is: “To experience, that because of, or through my contribution, the people of Curaçao are enabled to surpass their limiting beliefs and achieve their dreams. By doing this, we will help Curaçao become a better place to live. The Share2Uplift movement is an excellent vehicle and platform to make this dream come through”.

As a coach, he gets the most satisfaction from seeing a coachee surpasses their limitations or when a couple re-unites back or when people follow their dreams… all of this adding up to a better quality of their lives. He loves it when clients take action. O’dennis: “It is all about the mental state of believing, that if the mind can conceive it, they belief it, they can achieve it by taking the deliberate actions. There is so much in every person that they haven’t been tapped yet”.

His strengths are: “Because of my own experiences that have enriched me so much, I can help coachees to recognize details in their change process, at times I can literally predict clear and specifically what kind of challenges they will encounter. This as part of enabling their change. I like to keep what I do KISS (Keep It Simple and Stupid). I will make a coachee experience, that once they have achieved a small change, this opens up the possibility for much bigger changes that lead to a better quality of life. I make coachees change their lenses so that they can see in themselves and in others more positive characteristics. It is when you are in a good vibe that you can attract, via the good/positive vibrations,  more like-minded people in your life.

“The eyes are the windows of the soul…”

“What makes me unique is that I trigger “hope” in people, the way I talk and describe to people the situation they find themselves in, let them stop to see this as an obstacle and start to see this as an opportunity. The eyes are the windows of the soul, via a mirror that I have in my office I enable an opportunity for the client to talk positively to themselves by feeding their spiritual side and this feels like a boost in their being. This can be very confrontational, because their core and soul is often covered and hidden far away with limiting beliefs. But it is when they re-dis-cover, uncover their core/ their being back, this feels nice and is a very enlightened and beautiful experience”.

O’dennis loves to coach clients that has hit rock bottom, because once they have hit rock bottom there is no alternative, but to change, they have nothing to loose, and they are more willing to give other possibilities and options, a fair chance. Their skepticism diminishes and immediately after they start to use the tools, they will start to have different experiences. By experiencing a different physiology this will change their psychology creating new neuro-associations and increasing their adaptability. He loves to trigger and ignite in his coachees their connection with their soul. Once they get reconnected to their soul they become aware that they have everything within themselves to be and stay successful. But the client has to change by connecting to the source and change their old habits. As coach he will trigger clients to come up with ideas and add some more creativeness to it, to let clients experience this to achieve, without excuses, the results they want through actions, actions and mass of actions. He would also explore the environment of the client to look for people to help the client be accountable and thus more compliant towards their intended goals as long as it helps to get the desired results.

O’ dennis, we have taken noticed that you have started a Life Facebook program every Wednesday at 7 pm. What do you try to achieve?

O’dennis: “Via this “live” Facebook event, I want to give people “hope”, that there are ways and means to improve their lives.For a person to change there are three things needed:
1. Knowledge;
2. The desire to change;
3. Ability to change.

At times people want to change, but they don’t know how. For those whom don’t know “How to”, we try to reach and show them that there are different methods that might work for them. There is a blueprint that they need to personalize, taken their own specific situation into consideration, to achieve their desire results. It is a “Live” broadcast because we want people that are watching to ask “live” questions while they can get a customize answer to their questions according to their specific needs.

This year O’dennis plans to organize two seminars addressing: relational challenges of couples and another one on rewriting your mind and changing your behavior. Both seminars are aimed to reach as much people as possible to deal with an ever growing need O’dennis is sensing.

If you want to know more contact O’dennis via (email) or , telephone: +5999 513 0409 or other: Facebook O’dennis Daal page Master Your Mind.

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