Reporting on our first bi-annual Zoom Meeting on 23rd of March 2021

On the 23rd of March we had the first of our bi-annual Zoom meeting “Connecting, aligning, creating impactful collaborations”


During the session we discussed:

  • Goal of the meeting/ intention to do this 2X a year
  • Relationship with Vision Curaçao 2030, Moon Shots ( by Dr. Miguel Goede)
  • Feedback monkey survey results of 39 questionnaires.
  • Opportunity for those present to bring in additional points related to the question. ”…from connection, alignment to impactful collaboration…”
  • What are the next steps? 
  • Whom is willing to be involved in next steps one way or the other?
  • Closing, final remarks.

What was the goal/intention of this joint meeting?

In collaboration with Vision Curaçao 2030 that is an original initiative of Dr. Miguel Goede, we started organizing bi-annual online meetings to: “Jointly look at how we can accelerate alignments and collaborations, to create real impactful changes in all walks of life in Curaçao”.

By creating interest, inspire and enable those we have interviewed to take notice of the categories of Influencers we have interviewed up to now and inspire and enable exploration of possible collaborations that can add value to their own future endeavors

Usually we interview people whom are creating a great impact in the society, usually not known to a broad audience to inspire others and possibly help others identify them as possible collaboration partners. We are also increasingly identifying groups of people that are having a great impact as role models for other groups and possibly partners for collaborations. All of this within the context of Vision Curaçao 2030.

Relationship with Vision Curaçao 2030, Moon Shots presented by Dr. Miguel Goede
Vision Curaçao 2030 was presented by Dr. Miguel Goede and special attention was given to the 5 the 5 “Moonshots” during his presentation.

The 5 moonshots consist of:

1 Clean Curaçao is circular Curaçao 

2 Honesty Curaçao 

3 Food security 

4 Datadriven Island, ICT sector 

5 Promoting entrepreneurship (Food, Recycle) 

The implementation document Moonshots 2030 version 2.0 was just released on the 23rd of March. If you want to know more, you can download this last version from the homepage by clicking on the orange button.

Feedback monkey survey results of 39 questionnaires
The results were also presented of the monkey survey that 39 attendees send in and you can take notice of it by going to this link.

Opportunity for those present to bring in additional points related to the question. ”from connection, alignment to impactful collaboration”
Two things caught the attention:

  1. One of the great challenges to deal with if a person wants to take notice of all the positive initiatives that exist in Curacao, was the lack of a database that is easily accessible for all. It was mentioned that there is a project that is looking for people involved in the Orange economy, an incubator and sustainable energy and a database that is accessible to all involved would be very helpful to help connect and align efforts.
  • The session also led to the connection of some attendees to each other to further take notice of what they are involved in and some exchange of information and contacts was agreed upon among some attendees. The themes that were discussed were “Wellness” and “Food security & Food safety”, “Barrios” especially on how to address those parts of the society that have the most needs, the ICT-sector and how it can contribute to the economy of Curaçao and how the “MadeinCuracao”-platform is enabling entrepreneurs.            

What are the next steps? 

  • There would be a further upgrade of the website which, apart from the alphabetic order, will also include the sectors that the respective Influencers operate in. This will make it easier to select Influencers based on the sector(s) where they operate in. Furthermore, an upgrade of the profiles in the VisionCuracao2030 website will also be explored as means to create more insight in whom is doing what on the island. And lastly, one can always contact us and we will be willing to share names of people that we have interviewed that are active in a certain sector, where they can also go and read the interview we have had with this person.
  • We will meet again in October of this year.
  • We will blog on this event in the next Share2Uplift blog of the 29th of March.
  • We will send the attendees a questionnaire to see if they have any additional comments.
  • We will interview some attendees that attended so that they can an update on where they stand now in their endeavors.

For those of you interested in the video of the session send us a mail and we will Wetransfer it to you.

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